Our deepest desire is to provide a warm and safe environment where all people can find opportunities to worship God and grow in their faith, finding ultimate satisfaction in Him. We also seek to be God's hands and feet in this community and around the world, showing forth God's glory and grace.
New Liberty believes that the Bible alone is God's authoritative word, that salvation is a gift of God received by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone, and that man's ultimate purpose is to bring glory to God alone, finding pleasure and satisfaction in Him forever.
We encourage you to join us for a worship service, and we look forward to getting to know you.
Our Mission
To lead people into a life-changing, ever-growing relationship with Christ.
Our Core Values
We value God's word as the divine revelation of God, His redemptive plan for man, and the authoritative guide for daily living.
We value making disciples as the primary function of the church in obedience to Christ.
We value authentic worship as the daily, genuine devotion of grateful believers to God.
We value biblical community as the evidence of God’s love in the church.
We value families as the first God-ordained institution to foster godly culture.
We Envision
A compassionate congregation that shows the love of Christ to everyone, whether inside or outside the church.
A welcoming congregation made up of diverse ages, cultures and ethnicities, but unified by the Gospel of Christ.
A worshiping congregation that transforms our community through daily praise and sharing the Gospel.
A growing congregation that God uses to enlarge His Kingdom through regional church planting and global mission initiatives.
A grounded congregation that preaches, teaches and trains disciples in the Word of God.
A productive congregation engaged in leadership development that enlists and sends disciples into ministry.